June 12-13, 2024

Klamath Falls, OR

Sky Lakes Community Health Education Center

The 2024 KBFC Annual Meeting gathered attendees from 20 different organizations, Tribes and universities to share fish tagging related presentations, participate in interactive discussions and network. Attendees learned about numerous collaborative efforts in the Klamath Basin such as investigating O.mykiss movement patterns and distribution in response to dam removal, interbreeding among spring- and fall-run Chinook (Ishyâat) in the Mid-Klamath River and effectiveness of dam removal on the re-establishment of salmon populations in historical ranges. The KBFC also celebrated the completion of a standardized database and upcoming web-based data exchange portal that will enable members to access and share PIT tag data.

Participating entities included:



Fish Wiz

Karuk Tribe

Mid Klamath Watershed Council

National Park Service

NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center



Quartz Valley Indian Reservation


Real Time Research

Resource Enviornmental Solutions

Scott River Watershed Council

The Klamath Tribes

UC Berkeley

UC Davis




Yurok Tribe

FileDescriptionFile Date
2024 Annual Meeting Slides – DAY 2Presentation slides from Day 2 of the 2024 KBFC Annual Meeting.2024-06-13
2024 Annual Meeting Slides – DAY 1Presentation slides from Day 1 of the 2024 KBFC Annual Meeting.2024-06-13
2024 KBFC Annual Meeting ProgramAgenda for the 2024 KBFC Annual Meeting2024-06-13